13 Days China Sichuan Birding Trip
Release Time: June 20, 2013 Author: Purus Yang
With the temperature rising in May and June, the living creatures become more active while the animals also enter their mating season. That also announces the best time for birding has come. This trip was customized by AlpineBirding team for Chris Lotze. The 13-day birding trip covers most of the popular birding sites in northern Sichuan. In this trip, we have harvested some good endemic species of both mammals and birds. For the birding trips in Sichuan, pheasants are always very important targets. In this trip we saw quite number of pheasants including Chinese Monal, Snow Partridge, Monal Partridge, White Eared Pheasant, Blue Eared Pheasant, Blood Pheasant, Tibetan Snowcock and heard the very secretive Golden Pheasant, Chinese Bamboo Partridge and Koklass Pheasant. We also have seen some really rare bird species such as Firethroat, Rufous-headedRobin, Golden Bush Robin, Sichuan Jay, Spectacled Parrotbill, Chinese Fulvetta,Golden-breasted Fulvetta as well as numerous species of rosefinches and mountain finches. It is a pity that our group missed much-desired Golden Pheasant and we felt very sorry that our team member Jay missed his much-desired species Mandarin Duck and Collared Grosbeak. On Ruoergai Grasslands, the high elevation and relatively cold weather made us see fewer birds than past trips. We also saw much less White-rumped Snowfinches than our past trips.Tangjiahe is an excellent place for birds and mammals. Unfortunately, we only have one day to explore this wonderful reserve due to the limited amount of time available for Sichuan from our clients. The positive side of this trip in this reserve is that we saw Tawny Fish Owl and a good number of mammals in the reserve, though the total bird species seen in the reserve is quite small.In this trip, we have recorded 227 bird species, of which we saw 215 bird species and heard 12bird species. For mammals, we saw 14 species.
For a detailed description of the trip by our guide Parus Yang, please contact us for the full copy of the bird report.
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